#100. I walk a lonely road
Welcome to the NRP. We are publishing the absolute best of those extremely online extremists known as the new right — “All the shit that’s fit to poast.”
Threads of the Week
> The rehabilitation of John McCain lays bare the kayfabe nature of electoral politics. A good man can become evil, and then good again, as readily as Stone Cold Steve Austin. Everything is made up and the points don't matter.
> “Logic makes a terrible God, because logic will take you wherever your heart wishes to go,” is a little throwaway phrase from 0HP’s latest thread that is going to live rent free in our heads forever.
> Aella has been “doin lots of reading bout Native American tribes” and has come to some innerestin’ conclusions.
> O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave / O’er the land of the murder, and the home of the rape.
> Actually, you should stop listening to symphonic renditions of Zelda music, or whatever it is you nerds like, and start trying to appreciate jazz, you philistines.
> Josh Kruger died doing what he loved: ignoring the violence at his doorstep.
> Do a little dance. Make a little amazing friend. Get down tonight.
> The Sun King has targeted your spleen.
> Hitler was an insane racist maniacal psychopath comic book villain who enjoyed evil for its own sake, and if you want to understand his motivations beyond that, maybe you are too.
Audio/Video of the Week
> Inez Stepman guests on
, talkin’ their usual lady business.>
hosts Elevenfortyseven and Athens_Stranger to talk Nietzsche and Dostoyevsky.>
visits to discuss how America can make the caste system great again.Longreads of the Week
digs into the Bloomberg report about how companies basically stopped hiring white people after the pandemic and finds that it’s really as bad as it looks at first glance.> It’s time to start clinging to your guns and your Bibles, says
. The party’s over, things are going to get steadily worse>
develops a taxonomy of the “woke mob,” because it’s not really an amorphous group. Participants fall into loose classes, each essential to accomplishing the overall goal of accumulating power to the liberal cause.> A month later, Vanity Fair covers the Great Debate. Big takeaway is that the vibe has shifted, and they know it.
reviews lit mag The Double Dealer’s tenth issue. “…the only scene worth observing lies far underneath the rubble of Penguin Random House.”>
goes bubblegum this week, analyzing the ‘ships of pop’s top white girls.
Very nice list, thanks for posting it. Lots to read through.
Big Michael outed by a photo!