Thanks for my bi-weekly dose of radicalization in the form of Twitter highlights...

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and reminders about the Mackey case

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Aella's Russia campaign tweet had me rolling! Thanks Dudley!

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tweet of the week!

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I didn't get it, can someone explain

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It's comparing Aella, a sex worker who famously held a 40-man gangbang birthday party a few weeks ago (that flowchart is her data visualization of the party's outcome), with Napoleon, who's grueling plan to take Russia, which was expressed in a visually similar flowchart.

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I see Kulak's near-term prediction of school arson attacks as an answer to what REN highlighted post-Tucker-Putin interview, in The American Mind. Francis Fukuyama's (working off of Nietzsche) warning that at the End of History, men will not be satisfied in their "isothymia," but turning to laurel "megalothymia" they will make "...wars—with wild men letting loose and painting the world red again in the name of personal glory and some higher purpose, whatever that might be, just anything other than endless, monotonous peace and sex and commerce."

It won't be a Christian martyrdom, as Kenaz Filan laid out, persecuted for your beliefs; it will be wrathful.

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Synthesizing three disparate NRP links into a single compelling narrative that illuminates our current moment? That's the kind of high-level commenting we love to see!

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In regard to the Boer Homeland, Orania, in South Africa, and me being a South African, Orania might be functional, and provide an element of safety such as that South Africa experienced during the 1960's, and early 70's, it might have sounded like a good idea at the time, however it's location is landlocked, and in the middle vof nowhere to put it bluntly.

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Gotta start somewhere.

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Mar 5
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huwhite libs eat this stuff up

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When I woke up today, I was not expecting to read about a woman* charting out the statistics of her depraved sex party. It kinda makes me want to set myself on fire.

It's like, all of 2024 is set aboard the Event Horizon, and Sam Neill keeps showing me some shit, and I just want to throw myself out the airlock.

*I do not know who she is. Do not tell me.

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If you want to avoid manmade horrors beyond your comprehension, you subbed to the wrong newsletter buddy boy.

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"As a 6-foot tall tattooed white man I was monetarily taken advantage of many times, and viewed alternately as a walking ATM or photo opportunity wherever I went. But by God’s providence I was never physically assaulted nor meaningfully threatened. "

I mean God probably played a role but it helps to be 6 feet tall, fit, and tatted up. Generally Pajeets target women, and even then they use gang tactics since the average Pajeet height is 5'5" and they are malnourished.

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You have impeccable Twitter taste

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Your hatred of John Stewart is explained by Rule #5 of Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," in Macel's substack post.

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The progressive vs conservative thing has been bugging me so long that I created this substack account to write this one thing. It's an attempt at a "mechanical" definition of the two. I think it does better than most. Take it or leave it (or critique):


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