Apr 23Liked by Dudley Newright

Exquisite memes today.

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The memes are coming in nicely this spring.

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Apr 24Liked by Dudley Newright

Do you need to be wiping a handkerchief across your brow while saying stuff like “I do declare, it is hot enough to scald a loon outchea.”

Best thing I've read all week. Actually LoL'd at this.

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Apr 24Liked by Dudley Newright

The WQ discourse is incredibly tiresome and mostly fake and gay(although the recap is always good, thanks Dudley). But I do think there are some legitimate grievances that don’t get discussed.

Something has become abundantly clear: our society struggles to criticize women when they’re behaving badly. Put aside mean comments online or trolling, when is the last time men or women could suggest publicly that a woman’s behavior was wrong without being called a misogynist or “gender traitor”?

I remember during the days of the “campus rape epidemic” that even the slightest suggestion that perhaps it was a bad idea for a woman to get drunk and lose her inhibitions around a bunch of drunk young men was akin to being a rape apologist. Fact is, you can’t have it both ways: you can’t be equal(or above) in status to everybody else and simultaneously be above criticism.

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Nuking innocent people is wrong (Rockwell meme)

Never thought it would be like this.

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Apr 26Liked by Dudley Newright

Commenting to show my appreciation for your work.

I've taken the terminally online NEET to luddite TradCath path and have long since avoided mindlessly scrolling through Twitter. However, I still enjoy le funny hahas in moderation and am still curious about the various conversations happening within the Dissent Right.

I thus greatly appreciate that you are able to do the dirty work of sifting through the online world and present it in a digestible periodical.

Keep it up.

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Thanks so much!

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Is that an illustration of someone using the Trump Dating Technique?? 😁

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