I thought the cleanest and simplest rebuke of Morgothrak would be to put his essay on the Reads of the Week list.

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I considered this, haha. Gonna use it as the basis for another Letter From the Editor. It's been too long.

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May 13Liked by Dudley Newright

Absolute crab bucket schitzo situation over in his comments.

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lol, nice mental picture. And accurate.

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May 15Liked by Dudley Newright

I've pointed out a couple of essays I've liked here, and Dudley's always (I think) been kind enough to highlight them in his next post. And I'm certainly not gatekeeping/controlled opposition. Really goys, I mean guys, I'm not!

Dudley's doing great work, he's a real Mensch!

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May 14Liked by Dudley Newright

I always love the recaps, the Jews are really doing a nice job with this newsletter!

(Dudley, you’re great and I hope you know I’m joking along with the theme this week)

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May 13·edited May 13Liked by Dudley Newright

The blackpill IQ thread (below) is noteworthy because that's Eric S Raymond, who wrote The Cathedral and the Bazaar and was the maintainer of the Hacker's Dictionary. He is now a pillbilly. After the xz hack, he started work on a replacement for Autotools called "Autodafe".


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May 14Liked by Dudley Newright

I have one question. Why can't you accept my money? Been trying to go above subscription but all I get are pledges.


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I am trying to stay fully anon as long as possible and don't want to give my account details to Stripe until it's clear that I could sustain my family off SubstackBuxx. Appreciate your pledge though!

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May 14Liked by Dudley Newright

Another great summary. Keep up the good work!

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May 13Liked by Dudley Newright

I don't happen to agree much with Tracing, but I also just find him to be an unreliable narrator.

Years ago in an interview with Katie Herzog she asked him what Mormon garments look like, and he said, "Like normal, regular underwear."

To which Katie said, "Like Hanes granny panties?"


No. They aren't briefs, they are a T-shirt and knee length shorts for both men and women with little symbols stitched in.

I thought it was such a stupid thing to lie about/gloss over.

Especially as the self appointed layman's guide to mormonism from an ex-Mormon's POV.

He's done other cringe things like clearly using many sock puppet accounts to gas himself up on the Reddit page for the podcast he got hired to work for. (I can't prove it... But it seemed clear to me).

Anyway, I just don't think he's altogether that honest, but he's awfully popular.

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I am hearing about him for the first time this week from Alex Kaschuta's podcast. I didn't know he had that deep of a background.

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May 14Liked by Dudley Newright

Tracing Woodgrains was a power user and maybe even a mod (I don't recall exactly) in the Reddit subs connected to Scott Alexander (formerly the Slate Star Codex rationalist blog now Astral Codex Ten on Substack) That began maybe a decade ago.

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I mostly believe this gay surrogacy stuff is about wanting to molest little boys that you own, but leaving that aside its pretty cruel to bring a child into the world without a mother on purpose.

Like gay marriage, I think this is a fad that gays will get tired of and move on. However, you can't just divorce the child you created because you got bored after five years.

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