May 16·edited May 16Liked by Dudley Newright

The Dimes square people treat politics like fashion. Because for them, it quite literally is.

It's about vibes, and aesthetics, and it really doesn't go deeper than that.

AND THAT'S OKAY, they're free to do that, but people should just recognize it for what it is.

That's my opinion, anyways. I guess it's similar to what Zero HP said.

I don't really give a shit if some weirdo eunuch wants to larp as a tradcath or wtf ever, that's their business. Just don't expect me to take them seriously -- but at the same time, I'm not going to shun them either. And I guess that's the nuance.

Edit to add: intern did a fine job. Thanks to everyone involved for the ongoing effort.

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>and that's okay

I think that's really the faultline. For myself (and presumably for others as well), this sort of issue is more of a red line. Treating politics as fashion is obnoxious, but tolerable; tolerating some catamite larping as a woman is a bridge too far. It's an hard line - one of several - that must be established early and often imo.

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May 16Liked by Dudley Newright

The REAL issue is how do xhey/xhem stand on the Jewish Question?

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I disagree, having anyone like that close to someone who's meant to be a "thought leader" only delegitimises them in the eyes of the wider DR. The live and let live attitude is something better suited to Libertarians, who famously never get anything done and complain all the time.

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People who treat politics as fashion are tolerable as guests but don't deserve a voice or a platform considering they are the most unreliable people to expect to be loyal, which is the number one most important thing.

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You're just describing women's behavior in general.

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May 16Liked by Dudley Newright

I lived in a lesbian heavy neighborhood for many years, and I can say without hesitation that none of them looked like those foxes pictured. And judging from the perma-scowls on most of their faces, it didn't seem like they were having too many orgasms either.

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Lesbians aren't real.

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May 16·edited May 18Liked by Dudley Newright

Anyone who has a hard time feeling the way Simpson does about L'affaire Pariah can just watch this quick promo vid for 'anti-woke' designer Elena Velez' fashion line and ask themselves whether a party watching the "Decline and fall" of the West with "transgender sluts and the whole church" is their idea of the right.


What particularly irks me is Pariah's co-opting of Christian aesthetics, complete with calling itself a 'Enuch for the kingdom of God' . It's a clear marker of an individual that is not content with and will not respect any limit you set, and who gets off not merely on being made famous by a scene but also by perverting it.

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May 16Liked by Dudley Newright

Your intern did a fine job. Keep up the good work!

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Great to hear, thanks!

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I’d suggest everyone read this OGC article on gate keeping: https://open.substack.com/pub/oldgloryclub/p/gatekeep-or-die?r=1tmvin&utm_medium=ios

A lot of this courting dimes square crap comes off as the DR version of conservatives really wanting the left to like them.

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May 16Liked by Dudley Newright

Did I miss the episode of the newsletter where I find out what a Dimes Square is? I thought dimes were circles, I don't get it. None of the links in the top paragraph made any sense to me.

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In downtown Manhattan a bunch of transgressive artsy types bored by the dominant humorless/sexless lib culture have built a small arts & culture scene that flirts with right-wing or right-coded ideas/aesthetics. This controversy is around their acceptance and promotion of trans people in their scene.

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May 16Liked by Dudley Newright

They all need our prayers. I will pray for them.

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*RW fitness service "Are you doxx body ready?"

*Zuck's turn from tism-bot to Jigger is a welcome change.

*T777 continues to prove why he's the king of crazy ass whiteboys.

*The vibe shift is very real. A couple of public examples from the last month:

- I overheard a tiny blonde sorority girl loudly ranting to her friend about John Money in Chipotle.

-Another group of young (19ish) girls walked by cracking racist jokes loudly and openly.

It sounds anodyne in the online space, but I haven't heard open speech like this in years, especially from the age/sex demographic most likely to be in favor of the regime.

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May 16Liked by Dudley Newright

I think the worst part about the infighting is that it’s mostly all about shameless self-promotion.

Whether it’s Pariah or Meta or whoever else, the singular goal seems to be grab as much attention as quickly as possible and to war with other personalities. It’s disappointing. It’s a product of the culture they purport to be against.

People like Lomez, Anna, Bennett, or Issac simply don’t have to self-promote. They built theirs. They reached the promise land. If your entire personality is solely based on fighting every other personality, you’ll never build anything. You’re just a fraud at that point and a waste of space.

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May 19Liked by Dudley Newright

Great job for this issue by you and the intern. I’m sure glad you continue to include items on art and music. Beautiful art is not the preachy modern crap museums are trying to make us swallow. Thanks for the reminder and education about the truly talented artists in our history that the scolds have tried to convince us are cheesy

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Good work. The selection of tweets at the end was stellar.

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This was too perfect. It must have been the Zionists who put it together. Nobody can do a roundup this good on their own.

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May 17Liked by Dudley Newright

Thanks for the updates this week. New guy did a good job from what I read.

Interesting thing to note is T question drama and Lomez dox are connected in away. The dissent right at the moment has no" centralized" leader, which has protect from subversion from the elites of this world. So the elites will try to foster their own leader upon the right and take out any alternatives. We see this with Funtues coming back, the dox and insertion of Pariah into the sphere more. Thankful, all three attempts have failed.

We should expect more "drama" in the future, especially since its election year and the left is falling apart.

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May 17Liked by Dudley Newright

So many fascinating stories this time, but that poor bullied kid has torn my focus from anything else this evening. It’s so tragic and it didn’t have to happen. Their guilt and grief must be unquantifiable.

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May 16Liked by Dudley Newright

Godbless L0m3z in his time of ascendancy!

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May 16Liked by Dudley Newright

Good rundown. The usual solid work, fellas.

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Story about bullied kid is too blackpilling, wish i hadn’t seen it

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Yes, so tragic. He was a beautiful child.

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