The quality of reading recommendations has taken a downward turn since the delegation of that responsibility to the intern.
In particular, it appears to me that the some of the featured articles are being selected based on personal beefs your intern has with one faction of the e-right or another.
"In New Journalism fashion, Memetic Sisyphus takes us through anecdotes that expose cleavages in the culture war."
Very disappointed, I was expecting b00bs.
Geez I enjoyed this. Picture of trump gonna live in my head for a while.
Honestly the more I look at it the more pissed I get. Screw these people.
Quality posts gentlemen. 👏🏼
The quality of reading recommendations has taken a downward turn since the delegation of that responsibility to the intern.
In particular, it appears to me that the some of the featured articles are being selected based on personal beefs your intern has with one faction of the e-right or another.
Hmm, I'm going to have to put Ace on a Performance Improvement Plan...
My Ace Hardware has superior barbecue supplies. Just sayin…
Wonder if Keith Woods’ latest Substack piece will be linked in the next edition of NRP.
Isn’t it perfect that the woman who protested with handmaids tale is unrapeable?