Jun 17Liked by Dudley Newright

Sorry bro, can’t like your posts until likes go private, too risky

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Thanks for putting these together, Dudley. It takes a lot of effort to comb through so much content on a weekly basis and deliver it consistently. I've discovered new authors thanks to your efforts. Hope you continue to grow.

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thx neo!

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said to him when he started it how important consolidators are for the movement. Very good service he is providing everyone

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"Gaytarded" now has a regular place in my vocabulary. Thanks NRP and BB. Loved the Tweets, loved the essays, great issue.

Also, the sound of silence is a wonderful thing.

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Jun 18Liked by Dudley Newright

I lived in a Hispanic neighborhood in Arizona for a while. Lots of kids' birthday parties with oompa-oompa music, lots of music in general, lots of ice cream trucks. It got annoying, but it seemed like they were at least enjoying life.

Much worse: all the vehicles with purposefully deafening exhausts, the 2 am gunfire, the nightly ghetto-birds, the drug addicts in the halfway house across the street shrieking at each other.

Anyway, Schopenhauer fucking nailed it.

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Always look forward to your suggested reads, this week did not disappoint.

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There's a certain cohort that are addicted to the noise created by NPR.

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