Feuding frenemies find common ground: "Time to let go. Abort your teevee subscriptions."

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Wrote a piece in regard to the Christian vs so called "vitalist" thing. Some people really need to close their computers from time to time. We have real issues to deal with, leave religion to the side somewhat...


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Good roundup, but you forgot my take. It's time for dissident creators to think for themselves!


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Hard to catch 'em all. Nice essay. Subbed.

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Yes it was a good roundup. But forgot me too a few days back.....this very right-on right essay: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/back-in-the-summer-of-2020

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There is no “Christian vs. Vitalist” divide, it’s all internet drama. Fundamentally we all agree on enough principles to at minimum share the common enemy.

I understand that we can’t just tolerate complete schizophrenic nonsense, but we also don’t need to distance ourselves from everyone with slightly different beliefs.

We have to focus on the common enemy here. There’s nothing wrong with having these conversations, but people whining about “splitting the movement because we can’t work with these people” is just ridiculous. This isn’t the jock vs nerd fight from a 90’s movie. Get your heads in the game.

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1. Joel Berry has really been eating a lot of L's in the last year or so. Maybe he should consider just shutting the fuck up or something.

2. I agree with Constantin. Christianity is a grounding moral anchor. I don't need to live in a theocracy, but the guiding principles are important and can't be disregarded. Even Dawkins drifted towards that acceptance not long ago (blah blah w/e i dont care what your criticism of it is).

Western morality and culture grew out of religion. If you think we should throw that away for some atheism+ shit where your spiritual leaders are whatever/whomever you abritrarily decide they are (I expect a lot of these people see themselves in that role), then you're a fucking idiot, grifter or both.

Yes groypers on twitter are annoying, but they're not wrong that Christianity has been denigrated in our society for the last however many years and bastardized with the mega church nonsense. They're also correct to notice that a lot of modern criticism of theology is specifically reserved for christianity.

So is their backlash overblown and an over correction? yes, but also not unwarranted.

And you don't solve that problem by calling relligious people retards and telling them to fuck off or w/e.

So idk, I'm not a philosopher. Just leave me alone and let me be catholic in peace.

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"God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to man. He calls man to seek him, to know him, to love him with all his strength. He calls together all men, scattered and divided by sin, into the unity of his family, the Church. To accomplish this, when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son as Redeemer and Savior. In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life."

- CCC 1

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history has shown Christianity can be as insane as any religion so far, even as crazy as what is being done in gaza now. It has yet to be seen whether a non abrahamic faith would be like this. marxism is also a religion, just MORE extreme that the abrahamic faiths. more distant from nature. the nature based religions , at least make great art. poetry. and these things feed the human soul. communism, marxism suck it try.

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I used to think Anglo's were essentially the same, but I now think there's not only a pond between Americans and British, but a huge difference when it comes to the importance the DR in each country places on religion.

AA read out a passage once from George Orwell's England Your England that highlights this:

‘One thing one notices if one looks directly at the common people, especially in the big towns, is that they are not puritanical.

They are inveterate gamblers, drink as much beer as their wages will permit, are devoted to bawdy jokes, and use probably the foulest language in the world.

They have to satisfy these tastes in the face of astonishing, hypocritical laws (licensing laws, lottery acts, etc. etc.) which are designed to interfere with everybody but in practice allow everything to happen.

Also, the common people are without definite religious belief, and have been so for centuries.

The Anglican Church never had a real hold on them, it was simply a preserve of the landed gentry, and the Nonconformist sects only influenced minorities.

And yet they have retained a deep tinge of Christian feeling, while almost forgetting the name of Christ.

The power-worship which is the new religion of Europe, and which has infected the English intelligentsia, has never touched the common people. ‘

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Great Strong Towns thread, missed that one.

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Yes, especially when in the mix with John Carter’s housing article. Housing prices need to be a bigger issue in the election this year for federal, state, and local governments.

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I don’t think Academic Agent is a Christian

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Thanks, see my reply to John Arcto.

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“Vitalism” is not a thing. It’s a vibe. John Arcto and Walt Bismarck are not vitalists. Walt Bismarck is just a prancing homosexual pseud and John Arcto is a pretty ordinary center-right thinker. Genuinely, none of the men you list are among the cast of true blue Nietzscheans

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I'll have you know that Walt Bismarck has had schmexytiems with over 100 women.

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Nietzsche was a chud, he would have hated Walt

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Why are they so reluctant to explore the very obvious synthesis of the two, that being Muscular Protestantism (of Luther, Calvin, and Wesley, and not the big American or African megachurches)? This idea has prevailed uninterrupted in much of Northern Europe since their conversion due to the distance from Rome and generally compromistic nature of the conversion (Odin appearing in Norse folklore until the present day, and having victories attributed to him as late as the Thirteenth Century). One also must note that almost all meaningful philosophy and social contributions in Europe from AD 300 to 1600 were through the Church, and also that an idea of moral, physical, and philosophical strength has always existed in Europe and was not extinguished by Christianity.

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Another excellent roundup from you. Ace did well too. And the comments included lots of good links too. Your newsletter has arrived as where the cool kids are.

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Very nice to hear this! Thank you.

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"Another thing to worry about is racism-induced tumors."

'your son is a racist because he unjustifiably fears that niggers and queers are going to take everything he worked for. Since we can't have racism, we are now going to take everything he has ever worked for.'

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Where's the synthesis, man?

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That mudding documentary reminded me of an old YouTube video of a mudding event at which the country singer Hank Williams III filmed a music video. This was before the wiggerization of the redneck.


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Yeah, just quickly correct Academic Agent. He isn't a Christian.

Thanks for mentioning me though.

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Removed him from the list, thanks for the clarification. I saw you lumped him in with other DR folks and my brain glitched. Apologies for the misrepresentation!

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