Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Dudley Newright

Encouraging young men to road trip and see the world for what it really is in all of its highs and lows is not an inherently bad idea, but anyone who genuinely thinks there's this hidden surplus of virginal and virtuous maidens being squirreled away in small town gas stations sprinkled across the country like a scavenger hunt betrays that they've both most likely never actually been to a town of less than 20k people and especially not a gas station in one. That's a task less like searching for a needle in a haystack and more like looking for a grain of salt on a beach.

Something something the release of Easy Rider and its consequences have been a disaster for the American zeitgeist.

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The analysis shouldn't be whether it's a sure thing (nothing is), it should be a comparison between that and the other options. What other options are there to find a decent woman?

60% are fat, 40-44% are liberal, 40% don't want kids, 50% will divorce you, some ridiculous percent I don't want to bother researching have lots of tattoos, daddy issues, are single moms, etc. 99.9999% of the women on dating apps are batshit crazy sluts.

So what is there to do but swipe right on gas stations or similar till you find a non-obese non-crazy woman who is still crazy enough to date a guy roaming the earth like Cane but in search of a wife.

Having agency isn't always easy.

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Yup. The push back Scott Greer got was something else. I'm from a rural area in the Southern US. I love my state and the places like it, but to say these attractive women are waiting in the wings for some Sensitive Young Man to come visit them in Flyover, USA is bonkers. The opioids, meth, and fast food carved a huge swathe of pain, suffering, and decay through my state. I've seen the same in Tennessee and Texas too. Honestly the lies I saw about our own condition were about as bad as the advice. Lies an addict tells himself to avoid the truth. Much like the addicts who are too common on the highways and byways of my home.

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Yeah the idea of going on an adventure is not a bad one, but as soon as you put it online you're going to get retarded spergs trying this crap and they will instantly ruin the fun/make it weird.

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The type of guy that this idea appeals to (my little brother) are precisely the type who shouldn’t attempt it.

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Jun 27Liked by Dudley Newright

No idea why he blocked you, but I don't think the guy really said anything too crazy. Didn't we use to be a society of trust where we didn't assume everyone was a serial killer?

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We posted (and complimented) one of his essays here and I think he just has no desire to be associated with the right in explicit terms. So I didn't tag him this time.

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Jun 27Liked by Dudley Newright

Copy. All well.

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Jun 28Liked by Dudley Newright

Every time I try to read Zero HP Lovecraft, the life force drains from my body and I feel the urge to retire to my ancestral crypt.

Every time I read a Scearpo post, I want to paint my face blue and burn a mountain of TVs while bellowing at the heavens.

"Encountering such media is the cosmorphic equivalent of seeing a skinwalker attempting to blend into society by screeching happy birthday over and over. It didn’t come from anywhere on this earth. Its single sole purpose is to suck your digital tulpa into a time prison, baited by a multilayered density of buzzwords and algorithm bait."

Fuck yes.

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"Silicon Valley vibe shift: The tech bros are turning their backs on DEI."

Nerds just re-inventing the wheel. Soon they'll be set straight by BlackRock et al. and they'll be back to hiring 6 million pajeets and pretending negros can be trained for anything beyond janitor.

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You didn't have to show me that last post, man. 😔

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It’s interesting that you include Pariah the tranny article from the CS Monitor. Pariah, who was featured by the Christian Science Monitor, is not a woman or even a “trans woman”. He’s a man. It’s absurd that trannies are being pushed on the right now. But this just confirms that you’re part of the Peter Thiel “new right” counter revolution. This isn’t really about conservatism. It’s about more corporate control and technological progress.

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Are you familiar with ancient Chinese proverb, "RTs /= endorsements"?

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Have you heard the proverb “creeping normalization”? Kys.

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incel boy & in cell girl

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incaveable endeavours

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I love how Andy lives free in the heads of so many people who deliberately misunderstand what he’s saying, or, understand it well enough to know they’re doomed.

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