Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Dudley Newright

Camp Brave Trails is what my personal hell would look like

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This sucks, man. I can’t change how I was raised and I repudiate the existence of the “Judaism” I was raised with. I’m grappling in good faith with my disagreement with the worldview of the men that I had on my show. Had I read those posts—which transcended “spicy”—I wouldn’t have had them on. That is allowed. For the same reason if I had a Christian on who I later found endorsed late-term abortion I’d do the same.

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FWIW I think you handled the situation reasonably and diplomatically, though I typically prefer disclaimers to episode yanks in these situations. Still, you seem to be trying to maintain personal standards in good faith, and are doing it for moral convictions, not to maintain a grift.

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And sorry if this felt like contribution to a pile-on, I try to maintain neutral POV w/ the NRP coverage.

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I appreciate that man. Truly. I didn’t mind the callout of my handling it, because that’s fair but the “Jew for Jesus” thing was tough to read.

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Wasn't meant as a pejorative!

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Oh! Ok! Well then that’s cool and it all sucks less now. :) Thank you!

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CS Lewis described Camp Brave Trails in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It was Eustace Scrubb’s school.

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Jul 11Liked by Dudley Newright

Great stuff, but TL;DR. Shorten it up! Sorry!

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Last time we did a survey, most people said the length was perfect, but you're not the only one to say this. We'll do another survey soon. Think of it like an issue of Readers Digest you can put down and come back to.

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dont listen to mr tik tok brain over here. loving the extra content

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Jul 12Liked by Dudley Newright


Longer. More content.

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Jul 13Liked by Dudley Newright

I like the length and the variety

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Jul 11Liked by Dudley Newright

No, that’s silly. Nobody is forcing you to read it all at once. Save your spot, come back later.

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Jul 11Liked by Dudley Newright

I find that having already perused a number of the long reads during the week prior shortens the reading time and makes me feel smugly well-read.

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Jul 12Liked by Dudley Newright

I went to the Brave Trails website.

Highlights include:

Genderless lodging for 12-17 year olds - makes a certain amount of sense and probably protects kids more than anything

Electronics-free experience encouraged

"A strong expectation of maturity, kindness, consent, and compassion among all participants" - consent, eh?

Video interview required - Please note that not all applicants will be admitted to Camp Brave Trails. Our camp is specifically designed to focus on leadership development rather than being solely a social camp. We look for campers who are genuinely enthusiastic about activism, eager to acquire leadership skills, and committed to building a LGBTQ+ community.

The average age of our staff is 27, which we are proud of as the national average age for summer camps staff is typically 20.

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Anyone who signs their kids up for that is already a genetic dead end.

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That was a good tweet, can't lie about that.

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Jul 11Liked by Dudley Newright

Of course, they are off course at campy Camp Brave Trails!

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"...reminds the right that their focus on media stunts and lack of focus on electoral politics has kept them from reaping rewards in Congress."

Did I stumble into the National Review? Hey, maybe you should report on what Sean Hannity is saying on his show, I hear he has some really hot takes on what the Republicans need to do to own the libs.


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