Jul 22Liked by Dudley Newright

Did you see the judge had this whole paragraph about the "New Right" in her verdict in our case? Can send if you like—Nina

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IDK if I saw that specific reference -- pls share here or DM.

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The elephant herd photo is one of the saddest things I've ever seen. Truly, for the sake of Mother Earth, the West must end ALL aid to Africa, cut off all technology, and let it all return to a state of nature with about 1.4 billion fewer people. Then white people can do with it what should always have been done: make it into a theme park.

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Where is the photo?

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The last photo in the post. B&W

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Our society is Penis Poop

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Jul 22Liked by Dudley Newright

Thank you for allowing me to never go on twitter. *throws another handfull of popcorn in mouth*

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Jul 22Liked by Dudley Newright

I just want to be sure, you (Ace) are not calling Radiohead "classic rock"

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"TZD" -- Dudley

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Jul 22Liked by Dudley Newright

Always look forward to this, thanks.

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Jul 24Liked by Dudley Newright

I think Pine Baron needs to take a breath. I imagine that he's traumatized by years in Clown Gulag, but circumstances have changed.

I think we're going to start seeing some psychotic breaks with reality, over there on the left.

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hmmm, maybe. don't get cocky!

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"Did JD Vance go MAGA because the elites would never treat him as one of their own?"

No, the elites created him and he is their creature.


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