AOC should invite Haitian gang leader Barbecue to an anti-racist dinner with her fiance.

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Sep 9Liked by Dudley Newright

"A thousand people ordered a copy of Pat Buchanan’s best book"

St. Pat's best article:


The last chance America had to right itself at the ballot box was the Republican primary of 1996. Any time I start to feel sympathy for boomers I remember that they nominated Dole instead of St. Pat, then elected Clinton.

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Soros Ahmari excellent burn

Did you come up with it just now or have I missed it by not being on twitter?

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I've been using it since he blocked me for neutrally posting the speculation about Compact being Soros-funded.

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Sep 10Liked by Dudley Newright

Sorosbucks and hacks pair well together. I diid a piece on one the other week.

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Sep 9Liked by Dudley Newright

I had cat wok for lunch. And you?

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Your headlines are always great, keep them coming

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haha thanks, I was proud of the brevity of this one

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Sep 12Liked by Dudley Newright

Great lineup this week

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I am not a fan of MM because they play fast and loose with the facts. I appreciate their raising debate and challenging the ruling class narrative, but it does not mean he has the answer to why Lib Dem is so decrepit. It is a bit, too convenient and wide sweeping criticism to throw it all out—that is what Lib Dem has become does not mean that Churchill is responsible for it all. There is plenty of evidence that progressives here own it more.

His also masks the literal real villain in all this, FDR, who not only praised, and loved Fascism, as did his administration (until they didn’t), he engineered public opinion to get into the war, by goading Japan into an attack, thus purposely sacrificing his own citizens. FDR literally lied many times about Hitler in order to try to get public opinion to support his blood lust.

Maybe if MM would spend more time on that, we can get to a real discussion of these matters. The pot shots at Churchill playing with “toy soldiers” among other things, was rather unpersuasive. UK was a paper tiger by WW2, and Churchill, though a great souled man, was limited in his abilities. MM recent decline to debate a rather prominent historian was all I needed to confirm my cursory opinion on these matters.

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Sep 12Liked by Dudley Newright

The united states has a long and glorious history of blatantly lying to enter into wars they have no business starting. I think its more of an American fault than an FDR one.

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Incorrect. See the entire founding generation on this, and read JQA—this continued all the way through to Coolidge. Republicans were not interested in “finding monsters to destroy” all the way until then.

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This goes back to at least the spanish american war in 1898, and maybe even further back although my knowledge doesn’t extend

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Democrats usually, and it goes to the Mex-Am war. That predates GOP but the sentiment was still against it. I know Grant hated that war, but did his duty.

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Sep 9Liked by Dudley Newright

I just want to say Tucker has already gone on Thomas' show. https://x.com/annakhachiyan/status/1627000831047348232?t=GtJ8KyfwW8SxFFGIcx-Omw&s=19

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1) Haven't watched the interview so this is unrelated.

2) You probably cover some of this in your links but don't have the time.

3) The big things with WW2 are:

A) Munich wasn't *Munich*. It was a coin flip decision with hindsight and almost certainly right without hindsight. While I wouldn't begrudge someone saying Chamberlin should have gone the other way, it clearly wasn't about "morality" or "courage" so much as a very difficult real world situation.


I care about this because every single war since 1945 has been justified by Munich, no matter how retarded. And the truth is that WW2 was a hell of a fluke and not something to be applied to every situation.

4) The biggest sins of WWII are probably:

A) Giving lend lease in such bulk from mid 1943 onwards.

B) Giving the communists a chance in post war China.

Both of these where done as far as I can tell because ELITE HUMAN CAPITAL just fucking loved communism despite the fact they should have known better*.

*My union boss grandfather figured this shit out with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

5) There is absolutely no way Britain should have given Germany free reign in the east in 1940.

The debate between Churchill and Halifax was over whether the Germans could bomb the UKs aircraft factories. "The bomber will always get through". If they could, negotiation made sense. If they couldn't, it didn't. It turned out the bomber wouldn't always get through.

6) My favorite "alternate history" WW2 is Festung Europa: The Anglo-American/Nazi War


It captures what realistic* "best case" scenario for those Nazi fuckers would have been. It would have been awful.

TLDR: They conquer western Russia but lose the the Anglos in the 1950s.

*Not Man in the High Castle "Realistic", like better eastern front realistic.

7) Obviously, eugenics and race realism are kind of irrelevant. Churchill was defiantly a race realist who loved eugenics, but he was the hero. Stalin rejected these concepts entirely to the point of thinking breeds of wheat are equal and it caused mass starvation.

The real issue is that Hitler was a piece of shit that died in a bunker high on meth while he had children trying to fight tanks with Panzerfaust.

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"Giving the communists a chance in post war China."

If looked at from the perspective of what was actually accomplished, WW2 was about protecting international banking and fostering communism. A nationalistic UK and FR would have used Germany as a bulwark against the USSR, letting the 2 of them fight it out and get weaker while UK and FR kept the fight going while getting stronger. Kind of like what NATO is trying to do right now in the UKR against Russia. Actually, kind of like what the US did to the UK in WW2: let them get beat, then extract a bunch of territorial concessions in exchange for obsolete WW1 gear.

Hitler was the only world leader of WW2 acting in the best interests of his people, rather than bankers and/or an ideology (communism.) There was no act of evil done by the nazis that wasn't done by the allies, before, during, and/or after the war.

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Sep 9Liked by Dudley Newright

Kruptos thread was a banger

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Sep 9Liked by Dudley Newright

I've always had an odd affinity for the Venom character

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If the “new right” is about whining about Churchill, it may just have to be buried already. We need the next Churchill, not more navel-gazing flat-earthers.

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Sep 10Liked by Dudley Newright

If you want another Churchill, feel free to vote for Liz Cheney

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Sep 12Liked by Dudley Newright

He means a popular hero, but you’re way more correct than he is. We need to be in a position to MAKE the next popular hero.

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"Finance genius Memetic Sisyphus explains the ‘unrealized capital gains tax’ stuff."

Even if "fairness" is the initial motivation, inevitably what gets passed will favor those at the top and punish everyone else. It will be some new/ old way of pulling up the ladder behind those who've already won.


" John Carter details the horrors of a communist Romanian prison"

The most Lefty thing about this story is how after word got out and it made the State look bad, they did a criminal investigation. They tried everyone, executed the inmates who had all been forced to torture each other, then gave light sentences to the prison administrators who'd been following the orders of the State. No investigation as to who had ordered and approved this horror-show.


"Alan punches consistently above his weight, like in this essay about the importance of urbanoids collaborating with ruralites through mutually beneficial sharing of goods, services, knowledge, and maybe even friendship."

Fuck urbanites, including this author. The condescending elitism even from this guy who is supposedly on our side is over the top. Oh thanks for trying to save us from the ravages of opioids and our ignorance about how business works in the city that is an hours' drive away. We've never been out to the Big City, what with the new Walmart n' taking 3 days by horse-drawn carriage. Thanks urbanite bugman.

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So that’s a ‘no’ on the friendship, then? 🥺👉👈

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Sep 9Liked by Dudley Newright

Not you, the guy you are linking. You seem nice, even though 50/50 you are an AI bot created by the feds.

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"Wanye thinks parent-child relationship is inherently right-wing"

Well, yeah. As Ivan Stang, the sage, put it many years ago: "Every Home a Castle, every dog and child a Serf."

But that's, like, the ultimate private sector sphere. Not Politics. Resist the temptation to make Everything Politics. It's Leninist.

"> Bones peels back the onion layers of Inglourious Basterds"

re: the Bones quote on X, that "all history is revisionist history"? Don't fall for the Glibness;. That statement is a try to validate Political Solipsism. You're inviting the vampire of po-mo opportunism over the threshold.

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The history of WWII isn't exactly a secret. We don't really benefit from half baked pro-Nazi rewrites, thanks. Tucker just f-d himself. Hard to understand the motivation there. Maybe he slept with Candace Owens.

Between the proliferating Commies, the Islamofascists and the lunatic pseudonativist fringe on the right, I'm thinking the next totalitarian group to make their move will be either the Aztecs or Genghis Khan and the Mongolians, brought back from death in a Bill Gates sponsored lab from preserved toenail DNA.

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Who’s they? Lefties or your hated soft right wingers?

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lefties are more inclined to deconstruct than soft righties

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