Sep 13Liked by Dudley Newright

I was in Haiti back in '17 and we were told them that Haitians eat cat, particularly around New Year's. The idea that people who eat mud would turn up their nose at cat is absurd.

The left is so dismissive of this story because it goes against their sales pitch for multiculturalism. Diversity is presented as a net positive. It is a tasty new cuisine or some funky local music. The diversity is all shallow things, on matters of importance, things like values and beliefs, it is assumed that we are one. The reality though is that there are substantial differences between cultures and conflicts between groups will continue. There will be no kumbaya.

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Sep 13Liked by Dudley Newright

This week was pure fire, Vagrant, HAM, Martin, Mark Bisone and Pope Head were en Fuego.

But now I have to go take some laps to work off the existential dread.

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Sep 13Liked by Dudley Newright

People are calling the trump debate performance a victory? He came across as old and losing his touch. The way to beat a cunty character like Kamala is humor, not histrionics.

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Yeah he def took the bait like what the old PUA's called "an Average Frustrated Chump," or I guess now you'd call a cuck. Just face value, had to get defensive and retort, he got tooled, I thought he looked horrible.

The only thing that makes me ease up a little is that apparently he got a *bump* in the polls after that, which I did not expect. Sure, it was probably largely due to reactions to the coache--er, moderators, but there's something to be said about the fact that they outweighed Trump's actual performance in a lot of people's minds. So, I'll throw Donnie from Queens a bone.

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Sep 16Liked by Dudley Newright

Kamala as the Jar Jar Binks of Democrats is *chef’s kiss*

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Thanks for that Pope Head recommend. I never would have come across that one.

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Sep 14Liked by Dudley Newright

To cheer you up, I want to share with you some clueless statements on the Hatians situation going back to 1995: 'So, O.K., like the Haitians need to come to America but some people are all, “What about the sprain on our resources?” And it’s like, when I had this garden party for my father’s birthday and it’s all catered, you know, I said “R.S.V.P.” because it’s a sit down dinner. O.K.? People come that like, didn’t R.S.V.P.! And I’m buggin’. I have to haul ass to the kitchen, re-distribute the food and like squish in extra place-settings and people are on mismatched chairs and all. But by the end of the day it was like “the more, the merrier”. And so if the government could just get to the kitchen and re-arrange some things we could certainly party with Haitians. And in conclusion, may I remind you that it doesn’t say “R.S.V.P.” on the Statue of Liberty.'

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Sep 14Liked by Dudley Newright

2024 update: "And so if the government could just get to the kitchen and add some cats, we could certainly party with Haitians."

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Yo dog, your link for the Always With Honor illustrated whatever is broken, goes to localhost IP Maybe that was a placeholder you forgot to update or something.

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fixed, thanks!

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Sep 14Liked by Dudley Newright

ALF from Melmac: "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Lucky."

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Sep 14Liked by Dudley Newright

Appreciate you using an archiving service for the MartyrMade tweet so I didn't have to use, and may Allah forgive me for saying this, r*ddit

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Sep 14Liked by Dudley Newright

Thank you for the feature as always Dudley.

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Sep 13Liked by Dudley Newright

Would rather not see links to paid podcasts.


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Ah shoot. Yeah I try not to do that but missed this one since Yuri generously gave us a free sub. I'll remove.

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Sep 13Liked by Dudley Newright

A Prudentialist Purplejak/plapjak shout-out?!?! Kino

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Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Felicidad.

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