Sep 21Liked by Dudley Newright

Carlin tweet is way too accurate

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All that era were frauds. The problem was some of them were funny in an anarchic and ultimately gentle way but many became embittered New Atheists like Dawkins and are now bewildered by the transformation of British cities into dumps filled with ethnic sludge.

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20 years on, the only clips people pass around are the good, incisive clips. They don't repost the ones where Carlin is just spazzing tourettes, as the meme accurately depicts. So I think that dynamic distorts the perception of Carlin today.

The other thing that makes people far too fond of Carlin, is a dynamic that is common to leftists in general, which is that they CAN be very insightful in describing and identifying social problems. So righties sometimes get caught up in thinking "maybe these guys aren't so bad"

But then once the lefties get around to providing solutions-- "so that's why we need lesbians running the Fed!"-- it becomes clear how batshit they are.

The only two logical endpoints for leftism are "Kamala Harris for president" on the one hand, and raping nuns after burning down their orphanages on the other.

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Sep 21Liked by Dudley Newright

Haitian wagyu might just be the best tweet ever tweeted

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After transfers and government spending (Medicaid, housing vouchers, k-12 spending) the floor on a family of fours consumption in the USA is around 80-90k.


About $50-60k direct and let’s say another $30k+ in k-12 spending.

It doesn’t matter if they are unemployed or work some shitty min wage McJob. They ain’t generating anywhere close to the taxes for all that.

The bottom line is every time you flip some Haitian over the border you’re creating a revenue huge revenue stream. Most of it in-kind services provided by somebody, and that somebody gets rich.

Many of the people benefitting from that revenue stream are “right wing”. Religious “charities” for instance often make bank of migrant hand outs.

The merit of all these programs are debatable even with natives, but at least you could say that they are ours and played some role in creating modern America. When you can just import net tax recipients from abroad to enrich yourself it’s a recipe for total collapse.

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Ah yes, the churches with the pride flags displayed prominently outside, very “right wing”

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The Metamodernity thread is incredible.

The link for “houseless brain” is borked— what happened?

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hmmm it's working for me...

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It works for me but I wish I hadn’t clicked on it.

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I sorted it out— it doesn’t work within the Substack browser, but it does if you click through to X. Maybe one has to be logged in?

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Yeah, didn't work for me either

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Gotta be honest I barely understood what he was saying. The Cossacks showed up at one point, and Germans turned Scots-Irish, and racism!

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Sep 21Liked by Dudley Newright

Robby Starbuck interview on Michael Malice was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Too bad it didn’t make your list 😢

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Feel free to DM any time you see something that's that good!

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Sep 21Liked by Dudley Newright

Recommended late addition:


If nothing else, skim down a bit more than half for a video of Herman Gref lambasting his fellow Globalists for even considering giving some power back to the peasants. In doing so he references kabballah, Confucius, Buddha, and Marx.

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this is already in!

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Sep 21Liked by Dudley Newright

Oops, my bad. Should have known you'd cover it. That video is pretty mind-blowing.

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“Soyentific American”- county fair gold medal level winner.

Martyr Made - Neo Nazi adjacent pseudo intellectual.

John Carter- also antisemitic. Overrated.

The new right is very mid.

You can do better boychik.

One country is standing up for traditional values and freedom against islamofascism right now. It’s called Israel. The rest/the West is soaking progressive corks.

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You had us with the first line, not gonna lie.

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“Islamofascism “ is a meme idea that doesn’t exist.

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“Traditional values and freedom” aka discriminating against everyone who isn’t an Orthodox Jew and funding abortions, tranny surgeries and sex toys for all

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Orthodox Jews, which are not my group, have nothing to do with anything else on your moronic list. You seem to know nothing about anything apparently.

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I hope Mossad is paying you enough for all the sodomy you’ve been suffering

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Ok, now I’ve been promoted and I’m in the Mossad. Awesome. How’d you figure it out Jethro? Did you have a mystical vision while you were smoking meth at the trailer park? I’d like to waste more time interacting with you, which is about half as much fun as cleaning up cat vomit, but I have to leave you here with your head stuck way up your dumb hillbilly ass.

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I stand in awe of this post.

10/10 troll, marvelous

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