Trump in possession of the Ark of the Covenant explains everything I need to know about the past six months.

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I LOL'd at the special needs and Department of Education comment.

The wife and I homeschool our kids, including one that is supposedly special needs. Just send them to train in Martial Arts by an overly stoic Korean man and watch them magically get better. No need to pay for physical and occupational therapy by females that will coddle them into oblivion.

Also, I supposedly had ADHD... but 3 months of USMC boot camp beating...err training healed me. Honestly, if the Marines can "train" it out of you in 3 months, just remove it from the DSM. It isn't real.

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My kids with ADHD and autism diagnoses turned out to have vision problems that were easily corrected (no surgery and only one needed to wear glasses for a brief time). Turns out it's really easy to be unfocused and irritable when your peripheral vision is terrible.

I tend to think that they *are* real conditions, but are seriously overdiagnosed and the criteria are too broad. So many kids seem to recover when they spend more time outside, away from screens, and eat good food. But that's not as profitable as lifetime therapy and medication.

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Susan Weiss Bauer's homeschool book, (forget what it's called) where it juggles public school and homeschool subjects talks about how before anyone should diagnose that stuff, all physical ailments should be looked into... eyes, ears, etc.

In high school, I met some people that clearly were normal and a small minority that were truly disabled... and you could tell. And then there were those on Riddlin.

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I just don't believe that great armies of children are suddenly like this. I don't believe it's a "spectrum" and that "we're all on it". No I'm bloody not, I can function perfectly well. The real autistics aren't neuro diverse they can't meet your eye, smell and are frequently trans. The internet has been catastrophic for these people.

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It's become routine in my practice to hear from (almost always underclass) parents: "we're trying to get him diagnosed with autism". In reality he's a foully-behaved little bastard who needs some hard exercise and fewer screens and less shit food. I have _never_ heard of autism or ADHD or any of that shite in children who have the hippy organic food-type parents and no screens. Never.

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I liked the Helen Roy piece. But I don’t think this is a conversation she really wants us (men) to participate in, it’s more of an internal settling of accounts. Just my sense here.

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My man and I just rewatched Raiders of the Lost Ark last night. The OG Indiana Jones are based, required viewing for all zoomers who missed them

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Serious question: why does everyone hate nick fuentes so much? Except for the ye thing, which was just goofy, I’ve never heard him say anything that bad . John Derbyshire says worse things like the us should be a multiracial country and people that criticize Jews are Jew haters. I’ve never gotten the greed for Fuentes

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Most of it seems to come from him criticizing Trump leading up to the election

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Nick came out against Trump when it mattered most and has encouraged a generally Third-Worldist view of the Right which decentralized pro-Western perspectives in favor of a crypto-Marxist "oppressor vs oppressed" narrative.

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Because the NRP (D. Newright) is containment. You ought not expect too much from this Substack space; Some entity (Claremont Institute?) is surely sponsoring it. No chance that one guy is doing all of this work for free.

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He falls into the poser/grifter camp in that I feel he doesn’t believe a single thing he spouts off. He’s also probably backed by enemy groups and his popularity doesn’t strike me as organic.

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Here's a story of my own to add to Paulos's thread on females in the military:

In the early 00's I went through training with a certain female Private. When we graduated, she went off to her assigned unit and I went off to mine. 11 months and one deployment to Iraq later, I received orders to a new unit. When I arrived, female Private was there, only now she was a Specialist and I was a Private First Class.

Not only did she lord herself over me based on this trivial difference in rank (a Specialist without leadership responsibilities is basically a turbo-Private, don't @ me), but she also pretended like she had PTSD from serving the previous year in Korea. She would break down in crying fits over how hard and scary it was, what with North Korean hordes perched on the 38th parallel, just waiting for the order to pour into the South and kill her, specifically, I guess. Any veteran reading this will immediately recognize how fake and gay that is.

Anyway, she was a terminal under-peformer and in no time at all, I made Sergeant while she remained a Specialist, becoming one of my soldiers and my therefore my responsibility. I felt no satisfaction in this as she was a leadership challenge, to say the least. A few months go by and TWO DAYS before my unit was scheduled to deploy to Iraq, female Specialist calls and tells me that she's pregnant. We go to Iraq and she stays back in the USA, nice and comfy, taking her discharge and landing a job as a Department of the Army civilian.

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I was a Marine when combat arms was male only, and it was glorious. I never had to deal with any of that shit, because I chose combat arms for that reason, until we went to sea for my second "float" aboard a Navy amphibious assault ship (my first was aboard a ship so old they didn't bother spending millions to give her a female crew refit, and that ruled too). That ship had a female captain and it was like going to sea with my Mom. Every day was a lecture on the 1MC from her. I had to resort to stuffing a skivvy shirt in the speaker to muffle her screeching. At least a third of the "sailors" were women, and we had to post guards on our vehicles down in the well deck at night to keep them from fucking in the backs of trucks. I remember asking a British soldier down south of Basra what it was like having one female in his unit, and he replied in a Yorkshire accent, "She's fookin' useless, man."

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They should just create a wing of the military for “raising morale” and stick all the women in there. Create a bunch of fake awards and shit to keep them distracted and feeling nice and equal to the men. It would be more honest and up front about things and would constitute an actual reason to join the military these days.

Call it the Whore Corps.

Hahahahaha. Yeah like that’ll ever happen before we get a hot war.

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She’s obviously the smarter one me bucko!

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I’d love to see/listen to a Dudley, Yuri & Isaac podcast.

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I share Lomez’s optimism on this front.

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Thanks for the article on juju. This has been a thing for years btw, I've just finished reading a book about a theologian of African religion who after living in the Congo for years and becoming an academic made a career in the 90s and 00s working for the Police. His job was to explain to juries made up of nice old ladies and bank managers how a small African child ended up being starved and beaten for weeks to "exorcise a demon". Truly barbaric, foreign behaviour. At one point he had to fly to Africa and ask some savage to lift a curse otherwise this other African in Europe would've been killed.

If you've got a strong stomach google Victoria Climbie and 'Adam', the boy in the river.

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Hoe_math represent!

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The curse thing reads like an episode of buffy the vampire slayer or the x-files. If Bright had gotten a TV show it would’ve made for a great episode or 3 episode arc.

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Memes were on point lads

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Thank you for these, Dudley!

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These tweets are killing me. The post-election atmosphere has been golden. Thanks as always Dudley.

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Strongly suspect Substack suppressed my deepdive on terrorism - can't say I blame them but as a post it has performed terribly to my average. I thought it was a pretty decent look at the topic and possibilities drones actually present to cause destruction.

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Have you changed something on the back end? This and a few recent Poasts haven't made it to my inbox

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no but you're the 2nd person to tell me this...

check your spam?

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May have figured it out - I started my/our Substack with Dave Greene's speech on November 7, and have not gotten any Substack publication info since then. May be due to app settings (only notify in app + silent app notifications means no email but no visible push notification).

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I did, unfortunately nothing.

Haven't gotten anything since Nov 2

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