>We need a phrase similar to "crossing the Rubicon" but for when someone becomes irrevocably retarded.<

We have this, Tropic Thunder gave it to us, it's "going full retard." I'm rather fond of it. "Jumping the shark" can also work.

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Jumping the Rubi shark

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F in the chat for Little Angel...

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I note to my Indian "friends".

Pull the ladder up behind you.

If you wanted to live in India, you would stay there. The more of you co-ethnics that come, the bigger the problems will get.

Hispanics figured this out in 2024. Get with the program.

It's not not hard. German Americans, who were fucking awesome BTW, figured out how to be America First instead of Germany first. Same for the Irish, etc.

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Or realize they are all viruses in our nation, and keep them out rather than trying to help them game our system.

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H-1B sounds like a norovirus leaked from the Mumbai Labratory of Gastroenterology

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Dudley, props for your pithy hyperlinks on Threads of the Week and the astute intros for A/V and Long Reads. Consistently brilliant week after week.

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Emily 'Memento' Wilson, a woman who suffers from short-term memory loss and the inability to form new memories, uses an elaborate system of tattoos in an attempt to translate Homer's Odyssey.

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'Do not trust horse'

"What could this mean", Emily thought to herself. "Should I ignore references to cavalry in the Odyssey, or was I warning myself not to go riding again? My head injury must have come from somewhere..."

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Haha! She created her own Bodyssey mess.

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"I think of a Jew and remove competence and impulse control" 🤣

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Let be concrete and productive.

Any metric to pick H1B Visas will be gamed. There is only one that matters.

Cold. Hard. Cash.

Require $100,000 per year per visa (CPI adjusted), and extend the length of time to 20 years. No citizenship will be granted until the twenty years is up.

I don’t care how they get the money. It doesn’t have to come from a particularly employer like an indentured servant. Screen for criminals and government officials.

This has tow positives.

1) selection

2) revenue

If we issued five million of these visas (current H1B canceled) that would raise $500B In revenue a year. Use this to fund a percentage based payroll tax refund for parents based on of children.

5M /20 = 250,000

If this works new native births will offset any visas as far as culture goes.

If we want “top talent” this shouldn’t be a problem. If we want to arb cheap Indian labor for private profit with big negative externalities you could object.

American citizenship is a valuable asset. Why give it away for free? Uncertainty of the impact of immigrantion combined with our unique product offering demand a high price.

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Or realize that H1B even at best is an attempt to shore up deficiencies in America. So abandon H1B altogether and fix the deficiencies. Not sure why so many on the Right have this need to accept the Left's frame that maximizing the number of non-Whites in the West is a good thing, as long as it increases GDP.

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You could also mimic the UAE guest worker visa program. It’s been running in production for years and proven out.

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No you can’t mimic the UAE. We aren’t a dictatorship in the Middle East, we are western democracies with strong notions of human rights.

California couldn’t even enforce proposition 187. A ballot measure that passed with mass support and simply said the illegal immigrants can’t get free stuff from the state. The federal district court stuck in down within three days.

Every single time immigrants find a way to game whatever system you set up. They chain migrate. They set up diploma mills.

Toronto had to shut down its food banks because Indians had set up a system of mass exploitation of them.

Don’t try to get cute with this stuff. When a high trust empathetic society imports a low trust people it never works out, there is no way beauracratic trick to wall off the low trust.

Either you keep them out entirely or you charge so much to get in that it offsets any negative externalities.

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Perry is on fire lately. It’s just banger after banger.

Apparently all you need to do to go viral is just retweet everyone who calls you gay.

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It has to be a team of guys, not just one man...

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I read that as “team of gays” for a second there.

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I’m new to this Substack and I confess I don’t understand most of it. All of these references to people and events don’t make sense to me. I read it and think, “This is English. I speak English. I’m reasonably informed and educated. But this is word salad.” For example, “Indians studied the blade.” Or “autistic screeching from Hermione Granger types in the replies and QTs.” Or “G.S. Quay resurrects an old Byzantine Scotist thread.” Or “Bishop Fulton Sheen btfos the pagans.” I clicked the link about the bishop and I still don’t get it. The memes are incomprehensible to me. Is this all Gen Z speak? Are these referencing current events that only those who live in certain places of the internet understand?

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The house style is admittedly very dense with memes and internet slang, and that's a reflection of the New Right's jocular style of discourse. My recommendation would be to google things you don't understand and I'm happy to explain anything in the comments. If you stick with it you'll get your bearings. I'm sure you're not the only one scratching your head at this stuff.

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It’s because it’s cribbed off of Costin Alamariu aka Bronze Age Pervert the Jew. It’s a cheap ass attempt at seeming like you’re from 4chan when you’ve never been there.

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There's no doubt there are a lot of inside jokes and a steep learning curve to this place. It's mostly internet references, often from 4chan.org, that have been brewing and metastacizing for years. I probably miss about a third of the references myself. The Know-your-meme website is a good, but not perfect resource. Long story short: lurk moar! Best of luck to you, Kimberly

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Dudley, you fired me up with the H-1B virus.

My husband got into Stanford when it was actually hard for a guy named Anglican Whiteman; perfect scores, champion athletics team etc.

He's been interviewing for a long time and it tears me up, nay, burns me inside to watch him get thru the interview process only to invariably encounter an Indian woman who says he's not a 'cultural fit'.

The fuck he isn't, he's just not ugly and lame like you.

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Do they actually say "culture fit" out loud to the applicant? I thought that was a sort of internal slang?

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The interview was called "The culture fit interview" in the case I'm referring to. However, I've noticed brakes get slammed hard when he encounters a female Indian.

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I understood 3 this week but they were real funny.

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Oh man, the AOC tweet broke my heart. I really hope she’s not aborting her baby.

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Thank you for saving me time with these updates.

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Absolutely storming, we hate them too. We've had a 15% increase in people driving down motorways on the wrong side of the road: Indians and Africans.

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Great post as always. The hyper-linked first paragraph is awesome. This H1B thing has always chapped my hide.

A few pieces of data I've been using for a few years now that might help people debating the issue:

"Levels of social trust, averaged across a country, predict national economic growth as powerfully as financial and physical capital, and more powerfully than skill levels – over which every government in the world worries about incessantly. It is also associated with many other non-economic outcomes, such as life satisfaction (positively) and suicide (negatively). In short, it’s not much fun living in a place where you don’t think most other people can be trusted. Low trust implies a society where you have to keep an eye over your shoulder; where deals need lawyers instead of hand-shakes; where you don’t see the point of paying your tax or recycling your rubbish (since you doubt your neighbour will do so); and where you employ your cousin or your brother-in-law to work for you rather than a stranger who would probably be much better at the job."


"Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam -- famous for "Bowling Alone," his 2000 book on declining civic engagement -- has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings."


Challenge people to link sources proving that diversity is good in some way, then counter with this:


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