New Right Poast is a must read. Its proprietor is quite handsome and smart. This is a hell of a sentence:
“Tradcaths, Nietzschean vitalists, Dimes Square art hoes, based semites, tradwives, Christian nationalists, pagan LARPers, race realists, eco-fascists, apocalpytic evangelicals, schizophrenic shut-ins, model minorities, BAPist bodybuilders, obese NEETs — all united under little more than an antipathy toward the grand liberal project, the Regime, the Cathedral, the Machine that wants to turn us all into drugged up, immiserated, tired, passive, deracinated, mindkilled, impotent, spiritually inert, atomized, gray goo’d, pod-dwelling, bug-eating, childless, individual consumers with no community from which to draw enough strength to oppose its inexorable march.”
Except they're[we're?] not united, and never have been. And the leaders of 'right' movements have been sell-outs, if not complete fakes, and of late, caricatures. And the same 'unifying' tropes were presented 30, 40 years ago. There was a coherent idea 30 years ago, which was Covington's Northwest Initiative. But no one moved. And today, the Northwest USA is just as poisoned by commie/jew/woke/leftist BS as anywhere else. Newright's list of stakeholders is only half accurate. But instead of unification, the overlapping paradigm is personal individuation and isolation. The only thing that can change this is a signal and unacceptable event that unites the diverse, highly individuated 'right' in the pursuit of a common enemy.
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo diversity brigades going door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
When I found you NRP, I loved it from the start. You are an amazing wordsmith in your weekly synopsis of the latest happenings in our sphere and I pray you grow a hundred-fold.
Also, though we may still be relegated for the most part to our corner of the internet, save some Scylding conferences and basketweaving, I'm certain we are the seed from which the future will sprout. Every day, when I see the latest current-thing and normie-world's response to it, my belief is sedimented:
New Right Poast is easily the leading online gossip rag of the Far Right (also the only one, but that's besides the point). Each new edition is a must-read.
As someone who doesn't have the time to stay up to date with the daily churn of twitter and the increasingly large and sophisticated substack discourse, your efforts at curation and selection always offers a good summary of what's happened and what's new. You always have a new and interesting take for us to take a look at. Here's to the next 100!
I like to be up to date and I adore witty. There is only one concern I have - when, in God's name, am I gonna have the time to read - and comment - on another SubStack????
Happy to be aboard. The fact that The Upheaval recommended you was enough of an endorsement. Your post 'On Millennial Snot' was wonderful. I've already forwarded it to 2 of my most erudite friends. Look forward to other posts. Best of luck.
That's ok - funny is oftentimes enough. And in this first article or post - I don't know what to call them - there are signs that humor + writing skills dwell within you.
omg no clue. I think you Liked an article from Gray Mirror, OGC, David Greene, maaaybe Default Friend, and just the bright green logo and obv New York Post font caught my eye and I was like “what’s this dude about?” Then I was immediately like ok, 1) consolidated a whole lot of Deep Right news into one place, very useful 2) this dude is HILARIOUS, this collection of X posts is really going to step up my meme game over on my DR Locals forums, lol.
Thanks for doing the legwork to compile the various links. I find your description of the overarching concept that binds disparate thinkers together to be perhaps the best explanation I’ve seen “United under little more than an antipathy toward the grand liberal project, the Regime, The Cathedral, the Machine...” Well said. And your description of what the aforementioned machine intends to do seems quite spot on, as well. To hell with those people and their self-absorbed dystopian plans. Keep up the good work, and hopefully someone will come along and give us, the true resistance, the funding to compete in the cultural arena. In the meantime, the pen remains a mighty weapon. Cheers to you for wielding it as you do.
You know if you're going to try to do this, I mean really do this the way you clearly really want to do this, you have to be better at it than you actually are. When you call Soviets liberals, it just demonstrates that you haven't read anything; the Soviets were vastly more anti-liberal than any contemporary American conservatives. Read a book. Honestly, read a book. Any book. The pose you're adopting here is of some weary learned scribe, but the dominant affect is of someone who does not know how ideas work outside of Twitter. Read a book, literally any book. Also, the "transgressive" rightoid urbanite cool kids dismissed Red Scare as poseurs and fakes like three years ago. What ancient Buzzfeed vision of nu right culture are you drawing from here? Again, you clearly want to actually do this, to really and truly do this. But you don't have the chops. I'm sorry but you don't. You've just picked a lot of low hanging fruit, collected the dutiful praise, and said "Pod Same America and Lenin are the same." Why bother?
Finally - "the Zoomers will save us" is the epitome of the exact desperate desire to not feel old that you mock in others. The Zoomers are not saving you or me or the conservative movement or the country or anyone or anything else; they can't even save themselves. To go looking for absolution from the Youth, Who Get It after writing that piece is an act of utter desperation.
I think you should work on your stuff for a little while. As it stands, you are attempting to play a melody you can't even tap your foot to.
Did not mean to imply Soviets are liberal, only that the resentment that animates both libs and hard leftists comes from the same place and that its manifestation is a question of circumstance. I'm sure you disagree as a lefty, but this is not a novel diagnosis. "Calling the Soviets liberals," isn't a very charitable reading, is it?
And yeah, I think younger people already are saving us. Ten years ago the snotty voice felt inescapable. I'm feeling pretty good about the situation.
Gotta say, you're being a little snottier than usual here, Freddie:
> Read a book. Honestly, read a book. Any book
> you clearly want to actually do this, to really and truly do this.
New Right Poast is a must read. Its proprietor is quite handsome and smart. This is a hell of a sentence:
“Tradcaths, Nietzschean vitalists, Dimes Square art hoes, based semites, tradwives, Christian nationalists, pagan LARPers, race realists, eco-fascists, apocalpytic evangelicals, schizophrenic shut-ins, model minorities, BAPist bodybuilders, obese NEETs — all united under little more than an antipathy toward the grand liberal project, the Regime, the Cathedral, the Machine that wants to turn us all into drugged up, immiserated, tired, passive, deracinated, mindkilled, impotent, spiritually inert, atomized, gray goo’d, pod-dwelling, bug-eating, childless, individual consumers with no community from which to draw enough strength to oppose its inexorable march.”
Except they're[we're?] not united, and never have been. And the leaders of 'right' movements have been sell-outs, if not complete fakes, and of late, caricatures. And the same 'unifying' tropes were presented 30, 40 years ago. There was a coherent idea 30 years ago, which was Covington's Northwest Initiative. But no one moved. And today, the Northwest USA is just as poisoned by commie/jew/woke/leftist BS as anywhere else. Newright's list of stakeholders is only half accurate. But instead of unification, the overlapping paradigm is personal individuation and isolation. The only thing that can change this is a signal and unacceptable event that unites the diverse, highly individuated 'right' in the pursuit of a common enemy.
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo diversity brigades going door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
AND, if Yuri recommends you, well his imprimatur seals the deal.
When I found you NRP, I loved it from the start. You are an amazing wordsmith in your weekly synopsis of the latest happenings in our sphere and I pray you grow a hundred-fold.
Also, though we may still be relegated for the most part to our corner of the internet, save some Scylding conferences and basketweaving, I'm certain we are the seed from which the future will sprout. Every day, when I see the latest current-thing and normie-world's response to it, my belief is sedimented:
Leftism is a luxury, the New Right, a necessity.
Thanks much! Very kind, and I agree that we're are at the beginning of something much bigger.
New Right Poast is easily the leading online gossip rag of the Far Right (also the only one, but that's besides the point). Each new edition is a must-read.
As someone who doesn't have the time to stay up to date with the daily churn of twitter and the increasingly large and sophisticated substack discourse, your efforts at curation and selection always offers a good summary of what's happened and what's new. You always have a new and interesting take for us to take a look at. Here's to the next 100!
PS moar editorial cartoons when?
Thank you so much! As for cartoons, you'll have to take that up with @PoThePerson on Twitter, unless someone else wants to volunteer? 🥺👉👈
I like to be up to date and I adore witty. There is only one concern I have - when, in God's name, am I gonna have the time to read - and comment - on another SubStack????
This is the only one you need.
I think the idea is good. Somebody needs to collect what is out there.
I found N. S. Lyons and he just promoted you on Twitter.
People are thinking in similar ways.
I probably fit your category.
I have recently published a book with an attempt to explain what is happening in the West. Much in common with Lyons, but arguably more "scientific":
Just messaging to say I got your book because of this comment.
Thanks for sharing!
A million bucks probably ain’t enough, all things considered. But it would probably take the edge off...
It'd be a good start.
We’re totally having the most fun.
NRP is always a must read for me!
Happy to be aboard. The fact that The Upheaval recommended you was enough of an endorsement. Your post 'On Millennial Snot' was wonderful. I've already forwarded it to 2 of my most erudite friends. Look forward to other posts. Best of luck.
Thanks! We're not always so erudite though. 😬
That's ok - funny is oftentimes enough. And in this first article or post - I don't know what to call them - there are signs that humor + writing skills dwell within you.
If I was a millionaire…….
I just found this stack this week, and I've already lost 3 days of productivity. This intro write-up is *epic,* great job!
Thanks! How’d you find us?
omg no clue. I think you Liked an article from Gray Mirror, OGC, David Greene, maaaybe Default Friend, and just the bright green logo and obv New York Post font caught my eye and I was like “what’s this dude about?” Then I was immediately like ok, 1) consolidated a whole lot of Deep Right news into one place, very useful 2) this dude is HILARIOUS, this collection of X posts is really going to step up my meme game over on my DR Locals forums, lol.
Thanks for doing the legwork to compile the various links. I find your description of the overarching concept that binds disparate thinkers together to be perhaps the best explanation I’ve seen “United under little more than an antipathy toward the grand liberal project, the Regime, The Cathedral, the Machine...” Well said. And your description of what the aforementioned machine intends to do seems quite spot on, as well. To hell with those people and their self-absorbed dystopian plans. Keep up the good work, and hopefully someone will come along and give us, the true resistance, the funding to compete in the cultural arena. In the meantime, the pen remains a mighty weapon. Cheers to you for wielding it as you do.
Thanks much, O!
You’re welcome!
So far, so good.
It's good to be sane and find like-minded, but,in these times, risky.
We're all here for it lol, keep 'er comin.
You know if you're going to try to do this, I mean really do this the way you clearly really want to do this, you have to be better at it than you actually are. When you call Soviets liberals, it just demonstrates that you haven't read anything; the Soviets were vastly more anti-liberal than any contemporary American conservatives. Read a book. Honestly, read a book. Any book. The pose you're adopting here is of some weary learned scribe, but the dominant affect is of someone who does not know how ideas work outside of Twitter. Read a book, literally any book. Also, the "transgressive" rightoid urbanite cool kids dismissed Red Scare as poseurs and fakes like three years ago. What ancient Buzzfeed vision of nu right culture are you drawing from here? Again, you clearly want to actually do this, to really and truly do this. But you don't have the chops. I'm sorry but you don't. You've just picked a lot of low hanging fruit, collected the dutiful praise, and said "Pod Same America and Lenin are the same." Why bother?
Finally - "the Zoomers will save us" is the epitome of the exact desperate desire to not feel old that you mock in others. The Zoomers are not saving you or me or the conservative movement or the country or anyone or anything else; they can't even save themselves. To go looking for absolution from the Youth, Who Get It after writing that piece is an act of utter desperation.
I think you should work on your stuff for a little while. As it stands, you are attempting to play a melody you can't even tap your foot to.
Did not mean to imply Soviets are liberal, only that the resentment that animates both libs and hard leftists comes from the same place and that its manifestation is a question of circumstance. I'm sure you disagree as a lefty, but this is not a novel diagnosis. "Calling the Soviets liberals," isn't a very charitable reading, is it?
And yeah, I think younger people already are saving us. Ten years ago the snotty voice felt inescapable. I'm feeling pretty good about the situation.
Gotta say, you're being a little snottier than usual here, Freddie:
> Read a book. Honestly, read a book. Any book
> you clearly want to actually do this, to really and truly do this.
What, no "my dude?" for ol' Dudley?
Thanks for reading. I'm a longtime fan.
Posting this a week later and I am glad to see that there is at least one melody that Dudley plays which you like tapping your foot to.
I decorously chose not to mention you by name here:
We are not Nazis. Leave my Jewish friends alone.