So many great points discussed here, especially appreciated the soylennial discussion at the end.

I remember seeing a study a month ago that "proved" masculinity is toxic in the workplace because the study found that hyper masculine workplaces values results over wellness and icreated a hostile, competitive environment that women and non-competitive men could not thrive in. Conversely, it found workplaces without "toxic" masculinity did not achieve the same high results but created a more homogeneous workplace where everyone felt welcome. They also found that testosterone levels in men actually started to drop in this homogeneous, non-competitive workplace environment. (Again, the study saw this as good.)

In other words, women could not compete with high T men in the workplace, and so high T men were either removed from the workplace or became low T to succeed.

So honestly, I don't know how much of this is nature and how much is nurture. You see this alarming evidence of testosterone dropping in men, and it's a chicken and egg question: Is something chemically happening that's resulting in low T men? Or are new societal constraints forcing men to opt into low T lifestyles to succeed?

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I knew exposure to the longhouse was shriveling my balls in a figurative sense, you're telling me it's physically happening too?

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That was the biggest eye opener for me too. I always assumed feminized environments attracted low T men. I had no idea that men put into feminized environments BECOME low T. Also that this is apparently a known phenomenon, and is seen as the optimal outcome for a diverse workplace, because it lowers "toxicity" (read: competitiveness, combativeness, disagreeableness).

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If you look at other studies that show increasing testosterone in low-T men turns them conservative... Well, it's I'm pretty short walk into tin foil hat conspiracy theory, where we're socially engineering high-T conservative men out of existence. Which, I admit, sounds categorically insane, except statistics show this is actually happening.

I suspect the only reason we're not pursuing studies like this further is that studies like this are all conducted by organizations already co-opted by the problem.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Dudley Newright

I agree with Issac that some men are just born soylennials but I do know a fair number of men who in response to forces out of their control have become soylennials. But then again, maybe they did this because they had more of a proclivity to it anyways.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Dudley Newright

Read Christopher Caldwell's Age of Entitlement to be enlightened on the history of the civil rights regime.

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