Aug 10Liked by Isaac Simpson, Dudley Newright

You have the coolest thing going on the net rn.

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Thank you, tell a friend!

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Aug 10Liked by Isaac Simpson, Dudley Newright

Great episode guys

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Aug 11Liked by Dudley Newright

I really loved this episode. I wish you & Isaac did a regular show together.

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he’s “semi-regular” :)

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10Liked by Isaac Simpson, Dudley Newright

Michigan https://enjoyer.com

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Sep 8Liked by Dudley Newright

Excited about this.

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Aug 10Liked by Isaac Simpson, Dudley Newright

This is fiyah, best one yet

Discussion of punitive delivery room etiquette is very funny, and I don't want to get cluelessly serious about it, but this forcing the father to be around for the entire thing is so wrong--degrading to both parties and potentially deleterious of continued sexual interest. It must atop.

Speaking of being a dumb misogynist: it never occurred to me that private equity was behind astroturfed 'pop up street food districts' and such, but of course it makes complete sense.

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Aug 14Liked by Dudley Newright

Dudley, some thoughts on monetization:

The “freemium” model is your best bet where you keep the core audience-building product (in your case, the biweekly newsletter) free. Don’t know if you were ever into the “gamer” scene, but just for an example the Penny Arcade guys built an empire and literally whole subculture around a freaking webcomic, which without fail for nearly 3 decades has come out 3 days a week, for free. Their money is made by merch, events, and sponsorships, but the foundation of it after all this time is still the regular, dependable, and most importantly free webcomic.

For you, it’s the extra “bonus” content that should be made exclusive for your most enthusiastic fans, but basically the lesson is don’t start charging for what is now offered free. More is more.

For the podcast, you could go the route of Louise P. or Alex K. where you make the last 30min of the real juicy content exclusive or you could go the Red Scare route where interviews with interesting or intriguing guests (like BAP!) are exclusive but other “normal” are free.

Some throwaway ideas:

-since you’re effectively functioning as the gossip rag of the New Right, you maybe could make Beef of the Week your last podcast segment and lure people in with insider TMZ-like exclusive knowledge 😂

-make Consoomer Product of the Week a sponsored spot rather than your free goodwill shoutout. Your endorsement is worth more than that at this point. You’re an inflooencer now.

- Open a spot for Sponsored T𝕩eet/Thread/Read of the Week where accounts trying to build an audience can get featured.

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These are ideas I will not be "throwing away." None of these three had occurred to me, very intriguing. Thanks LX! Everyone seems to agree freemium is the way to go.

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"Paid Shill of the Week"

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Isaac is 100% right to be blackpilled about the total control of the media by the left. It's silly to be strategizing about what JD Vance's plan of attack should be or how Trump is going to deal with X issue or how DeSantis should be spinning Y issue in Florida when we don't control the narrative. They can turn us off like a light switch. (Imagine how bad it would be if Elon hadn't bought Twitter?)

I've also noticed, though, that we don't seem to have an attention span beyond 72 hours for any issue now. Sometimes this works in the media's favor, like with the Trump assassination attempt. But sometimes it works against it, like with January 6th, where it jangled those keys for months and people just tuned out.

We don't seem, as a culture, to have the capacity to retain anymore. I include myself in this. A new issue comes out, we're all expected to have an opinion, we exhaust ourselves debating it for about three days, and then -- unless there's a new addition to the story that prolongs it for another 72 hours -- we just move onto something else.

So yes, the media, big tech, entertainment, higher ed, is all regime-controlled, which means the narrative is regime-controlled. And no, the right will never win until it finds a way to change, counter-signal or control the narrative. But even the ones controlling what we think can't keep us focused for more than three days.

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Aug 11Liked by Dudley Newright

I’m sorry to ask this on the comment line. However, I’m having trouble becoming a paying customer. Each time I try to add a paid subscription it fails to take me there. Can you send a direct link via email. Im wondering if anyone else is having the same issue.

P.S. I signed up for Isaac’s Substack very easily

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Sorry, the NRP does not offer an option to pay, but you can pledge your support, which will unlock payment in the event that we do offer this option. Eventually I will give my bank details to Stripe, but not yet. Thanks so much for your support!

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Aug 11Liked by Dudley Newright

I thought I was a paying subscriber. I’m not, but I will be.

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No paid option yet, but someday soon. Thanks for your support!

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Aug 11Liked by Isaac Simpson, Dudley Newright

Yeah, I'd buy an annual subscription if you had one.

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