Jul 28Liked by Dudley Newright

Aimeeeee! Our poised Australian Queen with enough power to disrupt the US Authoritarian "left" from several continents away, such is her magnificence.

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Aimee is scrappy, gutsy and high-IQ but hard to listen to sometimes because tendency towards brittle Aussie tuffchick overtalk. I observe that Dudley's exceptionally powerful sigma energy keeps her under control here.

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Huh. I love her singular vocal and rhetorical style, but thank u for the compliment, I too thought the dynamic here was great.

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Yes. I kinda gave up on listening to her on podcasts yrs ago due to the vocal tone and conversation hogging.

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Jul 28Liked by Dudley Newright

Thanks for this NRP. I enjoyed it. Old baby boomer here. Raised hard left but switched in my 20s. Ergo lots of insults and abuse for 50 years. Being called a moron by people I doubt are within 40 IQ points of me. Default in our society now, and has been for forty years, left. You have to think your way to the right. Which is now simply old fashioned Liberal. So it makes sense the smart ones are now right.

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Jul 28Liked by Dudley Newright

Re smartness left versus right. In Millennials you say right are smarter. Same goes for Boomers. Lots of good learners, they memorize well, on the left. No real thinkers though. Or very few.

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Aug 7Liked by Dudley Newright

Aimee is pretty much single-handedly responsible for my turn to the right, so I’ll always be grateful for her and treasure her point of view. Deranged genius.

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The crossover I needed this week. <3

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Jul 29Liked by Dudley Newright

I finally got your podcast onto my device. I couldn't find it on the Pocket Casts search. I had to feed in an http link from elsewhere to get it to show up. Don't know if it is because your podcast is so small or it is deliberate censorship.

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You can't just use the RSS link in the right column? It's also on Spotify...

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Jul 28Liked by Dudley Newright

JD advanced.

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Jul 28Liked by Dudley Newright

They look for corruption because their own fields are filled with corruption. Show me two areas more corrupt than entertainment/news and politics? You never will because market forces drive out corruption everywhere else. You can’t be a corrupt real estate developer. Building codes, banking, engineering etc are way too controlling to allow for it.

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