Gonna run with “childless dark elf” and turn it into a brand for hot alternative women sick of the narrative in the underground music scene.

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Jun 24Liked by Dudley Newright

Pretty sure I saw Slonkable play just before Snot on the second stage at Ozzfest’98 at Alpine Valley, WI.

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Jun 24Liked by Dudley Newright

I'm not super familiar with the sort of 'alt right e celeb' universe or whatever. But i'd say that REN won by being handsome and not looking like a dysgenic freak.

I saw claims out there that he had a jewish parent and was somehow linked to some sort israeli group.

This seemed like slander to me and I don't know if there's any basis for it. However, I would say that something like that would make me raise an eyebrow more over just him being 'swarthy'.

I probably don't need to tell anyone, but there are reports out right now of Israel running influence operations in America in politics but also on social media to influence opinion.

Stuff like the new hate speech laws, how the university heads got put infront of congress for the protests. A lot of signalling of "actually Israel is the good guy because they're fighting muslims".

All that sort of stuff.

I'd just encourage people to resist the temptation to care about that or get involved in the discourse.

I don't care if it's influencers saying "akshually israel is the good guys" or "akshually palestoids are heckin freedom fighters".

It's not an important conversation and it's not useful to political discourse for America and Americans (or even europeans). - Which is what I primarily care about.

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Big brain connection in the twitter links. Alan Moore and his consequences indeed

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Jun 24Liked by Dudley Newright

Gosh, REN is gorgeous.

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Spergy point of order re. Keet Woods on BAP:


I suppose Keet has rustled up a Romanian informant who's told him that Alamariu means brassmaker/merchant. Having this (yes usually Jewish) surname doesn't mean one's ancestors were tinkers necessarily--more likely a *seller* of brass objects, a peddler if you will.

I'd say Alamariu is a calque into Romanian from German: before his attempt at Vlach-fooling crypsis, BAP's shifty pale-dwelling paternal ancestor might have been called Messing or some derivative of it. The delightful thing about all this is that it makes him a likely cousin of the adorably quirky comedienne Debra Messing!!!!

I can't post photos here but you can check the uncanny mutual resemblance for yourself.

Watchu got to say to THAT, Keet!

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I love this spergy point of order!

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deletedJun 24Liked by Dudley Newright
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yes he has v clear Romanian phenotype. His mum is a full-blood but his dad is Jewish. His birth certificate:


I think he claims to be of Karaite descent(?) and so not in thrall to the rabbis something something I don't really understand Jewish sects

On Gypsy thing you're completely right; that's why I suggested peddler instead of...craftsman as etymology of Alamariu.

How dare Keet imply that 100% Romanian mischling BAP is tainted by tiganie!

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Zero HP is my favorite Jewish right wing commentator!

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Some of the highest ranking officials in the third reich were Jews. Really Makes You Think 🤔

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Biden is a Jew. Dick fuentes is a black Jew. Biden has owns dick fuentes

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Will "To Power" Stancil posting will never not be funny to me

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