The "no one reads Substack" meme made me laugh that bad laugh I try not to laugh. The really jaded and cynical one.

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Yeah. A lot of writers, but not as many readers as I thought there’d be. (I read though!)

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Yeah. Novels written on toilet paper.

I think Substack needs to overhaul its curation. If you like X you’ll like Y style algos work better for short form media with low buy in. Not ideal for essays.

The audience is out there, they’re just not being pulled in.

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Good point

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Japan really is the West’s only friend. Constantly reminding us of the best version of ourselves and calling us to be like that more often but in a friendly manner

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The Data Republican story was the first 9 years of my professional career. I worked on a system for the Marines that went through the same lifecycle only to find when I got out in the field with it, the Marines didn't want it and didn't use it.

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Do you think that maybe BAP said what he did because he (allegedly) comes from a country with a looser age of consent(16) than what Gen-Y Redditors decided was the magic number(18), and that the trafficking itself (cough, Mossad, cough) is more important than how young the youngest victims were? I don't mean to downplay minor trafficking, but there are a lot of people who obsess over the underage aspect but don't give a second thought to how many policy makers and political figures were brought under foreign control via Epstein's honeypots.

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Yeah it’s a fair point, up to a point.

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More than that, Romania's age of consent was 15 until recently, and in the 1990s and early 2000s nobody cared about this stuff.

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and was 14 before that.

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Is BAP actually a gay guy? If he is, kinda makes sense as to why he'd want to "nothingburger" a case where a sex fiend freak preys upon kids.

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He seems a little gay sometimes.

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The dude did call himself "Bronze Age Pervert" for some reason. It's a bit like Freddie Mercury naming his band "Queen" and mincing around on stage.

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His attitude towards women isn't the typical guy: "women can be super annoying." He has a kind of disgust for them that is very gay.

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I want a Joe Dirt Vance and a 1988 Guns N' Roses Vance set.

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For me, it would be “Biblically Accurate Vance”

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Love the NRP but I sort of wish I could subscribe to a Banania free version. I have him muted on X but people keep screenshotting his bullshit or otherwise referencing him. Not clear he has anything to do with the right at this point. More of a Bill Kristol now.

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Even when he’s bananished to the CRINGE CORNER?

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He’s not on the right anymore, we have banished him to the normie realm with James Lindsey, Reason Magazine, and Ben Shapiro. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth

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OK, good point. Truth in advertising.

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My wife and I are buying the rare J.D. Vance memes for our children's college fund.

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Thank you, Dudley, for mentioning German dissident memester Shlomo being in prison. Now a donation page exists to cover Shlomo's legal costs and to provide financial support to his girlfriend and their young child:


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At last a chance to reveal my own theory about Patton Oswalt:

He purposely killed or passively watched his wife die.

She was a rising star in the true crime boom. He was just middling along and despite his feminist/girl-dad facade couldn't stand to see his wife ascend him in fame or acclaim.

Her death invigorated his career. He's the long-suffering, unassuming 'celebrity ' that fem-lib fans can dream (and possibly attain!) fucking.. And maybe saving?? 🤩

I highly doubt that a relationship that started on Facebook and ended in marriage one eighth of a second after her death didn't begin before it.

His second wife is a snatched, big titty younger sister of his first, but she's not smart; no competition.

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Thanks for the share!

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Thanks for the shoutout.

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No one reads Substack struck me as odd. I write quite a bit, but have noticed I've quite a few readers and am making an effort to read more of others' stuff.

But still it was funny and made me chuckle. I had a pretty bad day so I definitely needed to see this post.

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There’s definitely been an influx of normie influencer types who can’t be finding readership. There’s also the oft-reported phenomenon of MSM types bringing their email lists which they spam with never-opened TDS screeds.

In general, substack’s growth will be limited by the IQ distribution. Which probably explains why they are trying to turn it into twitter/instagram/facebook.

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Oh I see, a shame I like high IQ stuff and don’t want this place to decline into another twitter/instagram/facebook.

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Psychologically-undeveloped immature Love-rejecting Heart-divorced God-ignorant fascist tyrants who celebrate abuse, trauma, domination, power-over, bullying as a sign of "greatness" and "freedom".

Deceived hypnotized heart-ignorant abusive jerks!!!

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I ain’t reading all that

I’m happy for you though

Or sorry that happened

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Ain't reading "all" of what? The couple of lines in my comment? That's too much writing in your perspective?

Also, didn't quite understand what are you "happy" or "sorry" for?

And lastly, if I may say so, the so-called "sympathy" you expressed here comes across as profoundly NOT genuine and as actually hiding a completely opposite state of heart.

In my experience, just saying empty words (while harbouring the exact opposite intention of the words) is NOT what helps human beings feel seen and understood. NOT what facilitates human conmection. Which raises the question - is your motivation really to see and understand another (not just on tne superficial mental level, but really, viscerally, see and understand, which means to drop one's knowing and arrogance and armouring and actually listen) or is your (learnt) motivation very different, and the exact opposite of paying attention and understanding another.

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I definitely ain’t readin all that, that’s even longer and more whingy

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Thank you for letting me know, I'll talk to a brick wall instead. A brick wall has a bigger heart and bigger capacity for a mature (non-belittling non-erasing) human interaction and relate-ability than what you've exhibited here, it seems..

Farewell. Unfortunately i can't say that it has been a pleasure at all interacting with you. It hasn't. It felt belittling, condescending, heart-divorced and erasing. Good bye

PS. Here's one interview you might appreciate (especially the second half of the interview) https://youtu.be/NmtBjo0Wj1Y?si=RCUYDNm4kEt0z45W

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Dude you are a massive mangina

Go to a doctor, get your hormone levels checked. This is like a chemical issue disguised as your political opinion

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Good job, son. That’s how you do it. Dig in your heels. Don’t never EVER allow self-awareness and self-reflection have a place in you!! Don’t never ever allow a crack in the armour! Don’t never ever show any resemblance to a human being who has a human heart. Instead, just toughen your heart, put on the heavy armouring, and immediately and automatically attack, shame, and put them down. Don’t give them a chance, show them how tough and strong your ego is, shame them put them down immediately!!

Don’t ever allow any self-awareness to come anywhere near you, son. Self-reflection is the enemy of your tough ego, son..

Because you’re not one of those suckers who dares to show traits of a human being, oh no, you’re a real man, you’re strong, you’re not one of those suckers who listens to other people. You know better than that how to handle people who dare to be human. Shame them and put them down immediately!!

Don’t ever allow any self-reflection to come anywhere near you. Instead, immediately attack and shame!!

Good job, son. That’s how you do it..

PS. Well son, it looks like they didn’t learn their lesson yet and they dared respond to your previous putting down, so they might need to be taught another lesson and get another round of your righteous shaming and putting down. Go ahead son, show them how its done, put them down real good this time. Show them how tough you are..

Because we all know, don’t we son, that in a human interaction between REAL men, only one will be left standing. There cannot be actual listening and understanding between REAL men. It’s EITHER him OR you, son. Either he wins or you take him down first. That’s the only way to live on this planet, son.. Life is a war, son!! It’s dog-eat-dog. That’s the only way, son.

So go ahead son, give him another round of your tough shaming and putting down..

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Very, very good week for the Tweets.

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Hi, Dudley! Still a dud, I see. A choice, of course.

What you misrender as “Degrasse-Tyson-brained” would of course be “deGrasse Tyson–brained.” You spelled his name wrong (dud) and know nothing of the en dash (dud). Next on the menu: New York–style bagels.

Since all this is a choice, why not choose betterer, Dud?

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