Featuring hot premarital sex with congresswomen, astroturfed hicklibs, the sped-to-premed pipeline, transracialists, model minorities, sun-starers, and more!
I RT’d two of those schizopoasts and now I fear my followers will think I’m legit bonkers.
Sun good. Quantum entanglement ONE HUNDRED PERCENT a thing. (In fact, it’s such an elegant explanation, I’m surprised this is the first time I’ve heard of it. Oh! And also!! Explains why voodoo or enchantment needs hair or some other sample from the targeted person to be effective.)
I RT’d two of those schizopoasts and now I fear my followers will think I’m legit bonkers.
Sun good. Quantum entanglement ONE HUNDRED PERCENT a thing. (In fact, it’s such an elegant explanation, I’m surprised this is the first time I’ve heard of it. Oh! And also!! Explains why voodoo or enchantment needs hair or some other sample from the targeted person to be effective.)
Also explains why high body counts are associated with mental illness in women. To much noise for the signal to be processed.
Premium headline, well done