Send agent Peachy my regards

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"no one in their right mind would put in so much work for free, therefore the NRP must be supported by an unseen patron."

Gotta take that compliment and walk. Man literally cannot believe you are that hard working.

Can't make it without atleast a few haters man! God bless!

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Don't believe a word of this latest deception, my DR brothers and sisters. I just ran "Dudley Newright" through an anagram solver, and lo and behold:

"Deng ruled whity"

His new "Zionist" angle is just more misdirection by his true masters, the sneaky Orientals! The ghost of Deng Xiaoping is covertly funding NRP via Forbidden City ley lines and black market hot mustard sales. You ever wonder why those yellow bastards only give you one measly packet with your takeout? Ask Mr. WuRight.

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But like here is the thing Mark. You are a self-admitted philosemite. Like you literally got mad at me for being antijewitic a year ago and stormed off after calling me a Nazi.

So when I see you and a bunch of other posters who are very pro-semitic praising someone well, what am I supposed to think?

Like, I know for a fact that you admire and defend and look up to them.

So you aren’t defending Dudley because you are aware of the infiltration problem but don’t see anything suspicious in this particular case. You are defending him because you defend god’s chosen as a rule.

Your and others’ praise of Dudley is because you probably think he himself is Chosen. Just based on your past behavior.

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You know, a couple of times over the past six months or so, some mutual friends of ours have asked me, "Why don't you patch things up with Rurik? You'd really like the guy if you got to know him better, blah, blah."

In fact, you yourself reached out to me through back channels, remember? I guess those same guys said the same stuff to you. Anyway I could recount that conversation here if you like. Maybe that would refresh your memory about what we talked about. Because your characterization of it here is utter bullshit.

For instance, you and I both know I never called you a "Nazi". For me that's a technical description, not a slur, and I have never used it that way. We also know that our initial conversation had nothing to do with "The Jews" but with one Jewish guy in particular, named Jay Rollins. Again, I can produce that conversation too, if it would clear up your memory.

But I don't think you have a memory problem. I think you have a lying problem. I can abide by many things, go with a whole lot of flows. I have racist friends, anti-semitic friends, and -- horrors -- even some Jewish friends.

But I can't abide liars. Fuck off.

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You're right, I did reach out to you to patch things up. Me, not you. Despite the fact that you were the passive-aggressor. And despite my best efforts, you decided to act like a little bitch and turn your nose up. You spat on the olive branch. This despite the fact that I NEVER had or started any problems with you. I even recommended your blog gratis and unasked.

You got so incensed that I had the temerity to stand up to Jay Rollins demanding that I censor myself because his family died in the hall of cost that you took your toys and stormed off to hang out with him. From there you spent months gossiping about me with your friend Jay.

Then you came back and you were just as sassy and catty as before, only now you had a chip on your shoulder because Jay turned out to be psychotic and tried to dox you and your friends over a dispute you had. Our mutuals told me that you were probably just drunk again and that I should be tolerant of your pms moods.

But here you are, once again taking shots at me unprovoked in the comments section of a post that I think was a half-assed, mean girls, sorority sister attempt to mock ppl who are concerned about zio-influence on the right.

In conclusion, you probably have hormonal issues, man.

I am not a liar. In fact, that is the whole reason that you dislike me. You are a weak drunk who has no core to his being. Just flowery prose and a love of snark and talking about people behind their back. You are an old, brittle coward, Mark.

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You’re clearly schvitzing about bupkes. Everyone without his head up his tuchas knows you’re a mensch! Oy vey. I’m telling you don’t worry. No need to do a schmear job, Shmuel!

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I'll send you, via Signal, some verses from the Zohar to put your mind at ease. But money, heavens no.

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Really enjoyed Morgthorak's complaint that although he makes "no pretense about being a great writer ... I have written some great dissident right content" *emo hair flick*

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And Rolo is bitching about you too, fantastic 👏

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Rurik Skywalker, The Autist Formerly Known as Rolo Slavskiy

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"My posts are not selected by Dudley Newright, therefore they most be controlled opposition!!"

It is the most gamma thing I ever read.

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As a fellow traveler who has spent half his life searching for his own pile of ZOGCOIN I'm fully with you Dudley. Maybe if we combine our search we'll finally catch the tiger by the tail and Netanyahu will start returning our calls.

Keep up the good work.

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The circular firing squad is so tiresome. So I can only conclude that his/hers/theys'/thems' schizoid poorly-logicked comments are from an unattractive poorly-disguised sh#tlib.

Keep fighting the good fight Dudley! A friend of Peachy's is a friend of mine. And any exchange of $ might undermine that relationship so I will just offer my #tradCath prayers for you and your continued anonymity!

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Been deeply dispiriting to see this descent into purity spiralling on the online right. That used to be something the left would do all the time. Looking on the bright side, I guess it's a sign things are going well for us that we have time and energy left to spend it on fighting each other, but this is my least favorite way to suffer from success

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And what's the post that finally convinced me to be a paid subscriber? THIS ONE. Anyone who can make others recoil at the Jew-ick UNINTENTIONALLY gets my shekels.

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*rubs hands merchantly* Thanks for the pledge!

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I've learned somewhat recently that the wisest course of action is to be an antisemite, embrace it wholeheartedly, then figure out what a high IQ antisemite would do and work with that. Great if you are high IQ a little challenging I guess if you're lower on the spectrum.

I agree with Librarian of Celaenos defense of you. I do get a little unnerved by how many Jews seem to occupy positions in the new right but I actually tend to find them more interested in being american than zionist(with exceptions like that cockroach david reaboi among others) and I can put up with that type.

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So many Jewish neo nazis out there. That Ryan gosling movie was prophetic

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Jewish neo nazis exist. I've met some in person.

And then there's Ron Unz.

Reality is weird.

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They cannot truly be American. They cannot assimilate.

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"being american"

If by 'american' you mean a multi-cult multi-ethnic nation where Whites are but one of many groups. The only difference with current year is Whites get to advocate for our interests in their utopia; just not too much, because the jews need ethnic conflict to fit in.

Ask them what their end-game utopia looks like, they'll probably tell you.

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It's about time people remembered the first rule of Alt-Right Club:

Anyone who hasn't been banned by the feds for fed-posting is a fed. No exceptions.

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Even when it's not the jews, it's always the jews.

Pretty amazing, honestly.

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Every right wing movement inevitably devolves into mutual accusations of being Jewish.

But let us not fool ourselves that our conversations are even a movement. Nobody cares except us.

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If the Jews are running NRP, they’re doing a good job. Send my regards to Bibi.

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I've always enjoyed the Dudley nickname

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